Edwin Sim is the Learning Strategist and founder of 5hue, a learning and organizational development consultancy practice. He has over 25 years of experiences in law enforcement, information and communication technology as well as human and organizational development in Singapore and in the region.

Prior to founding 5hue, Edwin helmed leadership positions in leading training and consultancy firms in Singapore. His passion lies in designing effective and customized learning interventions to help organizations to change and transform. More than 200 organizations have benefited from his insights in delivering practical, “do-able”, simple and yet impactful interventions, especially in the areas of Leadership, Communication, Teamwork,  Organizational Change, Sales and Service Improvement.

Edwin adopts a candid, interactive and reflective approach in the classroom where individuals are encouraged to discover their strengths to make quantum leap in their performance. For training to deliver results, Edwin believes training must focus on the needs of the organization and be connected with the people who are being trained. Simply put, he sees his role as helping to prepare people for new roles, redesign established practices and drive company change and culture. Edwin has also been spending his time training in the region and sharing his experiences and knowledge with participants from China, Malaysia, Germany, Thailand and Vietnam.

A winner of the Leonard Nadler Award for his outstanding leadership, scholarship and service by the George Washington University, Edwin holds a Master of Human Development & Leadership (GWU), a Bachelor of Business (Marketing) and Graduate Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology.

Edwin is certified in the following:
– Workplace Big Five 4.0
– MBTI® Step I & Step II Personality Profiling Practitioner
– DISC Certified Advanced Behavioral Analyst
– Action Learning Coach with World Institute for Action Learning
– Six Sigma Green Belt practitioner
– Associate Facilitator Consultant with Korn Ferry
– Trainer and assessor under the Workforce Skills Qualification framework

Edna Liong has over 20 years of professional experiences in the field of Corporate Communications and Marketing. She has worked with several multinational companies from the US, UK and Singapore across five different industries - FMCG, Information Technology, Financial, M.I.C.E and Human Capital Development in both domestic and regional roles.  Her broad experiences has given her greater dynamism and diverse perspectives towards business culture, human behaviour and habits and has sharpened her business intuition.

Edna has been on both sides of the fence, in-house and agency front in managing stakeholders, planning and executing local and overseas projects and events. She has also led teams and agencies successfully in PR and Marketing efforts to strengthen companies’ brand positioning in the market place.

One of Edna’s career highlights was to enhance organisations’ image by ensuring that the products, processes and the people aspects of organisations are aligned to ensure the best experience for the customer and stakeholders.  Besides preparing key note speeches and interviews for CEOs and senior leadership teams, Edna also conducts mystery shopping to gather insights, feedback and recommendations for organisations’ improvement.

Since 2010,  Edna started her entrepreneurial career when she co-found 5hue Pte Ltd, a training and consulting practice.  She also initiated her coaching career after being certified as an Action Learning Coach with the World Institute for Action Learning in 2011. Edna’s greatest passion lies in helping individuals to discover their potential through knowing themselves and leveraging on their strengths to increase their personal effectiveness.  This has led her to further develop herself professionally and was certified as a Behavioural & Career Consultant with The Institute for Motivational Living Inc., USA. Edna has also completed her post-graduate studies in the field of Positive Psychology.

Edna holds an Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment (ACTA) and she currently heads and drives the marketing and operations in 5hue.  She also facilitates workshop around her passionate topics on corporate styling, confidence building and being an effective communicator as well as being a life and team coach. She holds a Bachelor of Business in Marketing and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology.